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Emanuela Canghiari

Archaeology, Heritage and Tourism in contemporary Peru

Conférence d’Henry TANTALEÁN - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos 

Conference abstract
Contemporary Peru is (re)known worldwide for its archaeology, cultural heritage and tourism. 
These three elements form a triangle whose base is archaeology. The most influential heritage and tourism discourses have been built on archaeology, in a process that began as a search for ancient civilizations, moving through scientific research, passing through its political use by the Peruvian nation-state, until arriving in recent decades to an archaeology applied and financed as part of the strategies of the local and transnational political economy. The similarities of this phenomenon with other countries are evident and relevant and are due to the globalization of tourism in the world. However, this conference will delve into the particularities and differences of these three elements (archaeology, cultural heritage and tourism) in Peru, their genesis, development, contradictions and agenda for the future. In this way, this talk will offer a panoramic and critical look at a series of linked processes that in the context of neoliberal practices in contemporary Peru has generated the emergence of narratives, intellectual (im)postures, institutions and infrastructure oriented to the commodification of archaeological sites and objects. 

Henry Tantaleán is a full professor at the Department of Archaeology of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Peru). He graduated in Archaeology at the same university and obtained his master’s degree and Ph.D. in Prehistoric Archaeology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. He has been professor in different Peruvian universities and abroad. He is a research associate at the French Institute of Andean Studies in Lima, the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of South Florida (USA). He currently co-directs the Chicama Archaeological Program on the northern coast of Peru. He is founder and principal investigator of the Peruvian Institute of Archaeological Studies (IPEA). He has been Director of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and is a corresponding member of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Institute of Andean Studies based at the University of Berkeley, California. He has published scientific articles in different specialized magazines and books. He recently published the book “El Pasado Excavado: Una Introducción a la Arqueología Peruana” (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2023). 

L'intervention se tiendra en anglais.

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